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Malachite with Cerussite Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Namibia


Malachite with Cerussite Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Namibia

Product Code: mal3


Malachite with Cerussite Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Namibia 5.98 cm x 3.14 cm x 3.0 cm, 48.3 grams   A beautiful specimen of fibrous malachite crystals with micro crystals of Cerussite and even some calcite present. The Malachite has a velvety sheen to it. There also appears to be some pseudo-morphology on the back of the specimen where malachite have replaced blades of Cerus… More info

Malachite with Cerussite Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Namibia 5.98 cm x 3.14 cm x 3.0 cm, 48.3 grams   A beautiful specimen of fibrous malachite crystals with micro crystals of Cerussite and even some calcite present. The Malachite has a velvety sheen to it. There also appears to be some pseudo-morphology on the back of the specimen where malachite have replaced blades of Cerus… More info

Cerussite Snowflake, Blue Owl Claim, Yauapia County, Arizona


Cerussite Snowflake, Blue Owl Claim, Yauapia County, Arizona

Product Code: cerr14


Cerussite Snowflake Blue Owl Claim Yauapia County, Arizona 2.68 cm x 2.0 cm   Here is a beautiful example of this cerussite growth. It could fit barely fit in a Perky box, but is so nice, needs a display base! The specimen is a cluster of large to small "snowflake" shaped crystals of Cerussite, stacked on top of one another to for this single specimen.… More info

Cerussite Snowflake Blue Owl Claim Yauapia County, Arizona 2.68 cm x 2.0 cm   Here is a beautiful example of this cerussite growth. It could fit barely fit in a Perky box, but is so nice, needs a display base! The specimen is a cluster of large to small "snowflake" shaped crystals of Cerussite, stacked on top of one another to for this single specimen.… More info

Cerussite with Malachite & Duftite,  Tsumeb Mine, Otjikoto, Namibia


Cerussite with Malachite & Duftite, Tsumeb Mine, Otjikoto, Namibia

Product Code: cer17


Cerussite with Malachite & Duftite Tsumeb Mine, Otjikoto, Namibia 5.0 cm x 4.1 cm x 2.8 cm   Here is a beautiful miniature size specimen of Cerussite with Malachite and Duftite from this famous mine. The malachite and duftite micro crystals add a nice color contrast to the very clear cerusite crystals. There is much twinning going on within this cluster of cryst… More info

Cerussite with Malachite & Duftite Tsumeb Mine, Otjikoto, Namibia 5.0 cm x 4.1 cm x 2.8 cm   Here is a beautiful miniature size specimen of Cerussite with Malachite and Duftite from this famous mine. The malachite and duftite micro crystals add a nice color contrast to the very clear cerusite crystals. There is much twinning going on within this cluster of cryst… More info

Cerussite with Dolomite,  Tsumeb Mine, Otjikoto, Namibia


Cerussite with Dolomite, Tsumeb Mine, Otjikoto, Namibia

Product Code: cerr15


Cerussite with Dolomite  Tsumeb Mine, Otjikoto, Namibia 5.3 cm x 4.0 cm x 2.6 cm   Here is a beautiful and unusual specimen of Cerussite from this famous mine. Amazing cluster of cerrussite crystals sit perched atop of a matrix made up of dolomite and cerrusite. The large cluster on top is well formed, the front of the specimen is coated in micro dolomite … More info

Cerussite with Dolomite  Tsumeb Mine, Otjikoto, Namibia 5.3 cm x 4.0 cm x 2.6 cm   Here is a beautiful and unusual specimen of Cerussite from this famous mine. Amazing cluster of cerrussite crystals sit perched atop of a matrix made up of dolomite and cerrusite. The large cluster on top is well formed, the front of the specimen is coated in micro dolomite … More info

Cerussite on Copper ,Tsumeb Mine, Otjikoto, Namibia


Cerussite on Copper ,Tsumeb Mine, Otjikoto, Namibia

Product Code: cerr16


Cerussite on Copper Tsumeb Mine, Otjikoto, Namibia 3.4 cm x 3.0 cm x 2.9 cm   Here is a beautiful miniature size specimen of Cerussite from this famous mine. There is much twinning going on within this matrix of copper. The main crystal is gem quality, with a large clean area showing lots of dispersion. A very aesthetic beautiful specimen from the Tsumeb Mine. … More info

Cerussite on Copper Tsumeb Mine, Otjikoto, Namibia 3.4 cm x 3.0 cm x 2.9 cm   Here is a beautiful miniature size specimen of Cerussite from this famous mine. There is much twinning going on within this matrix of copper. The main crystal is gem quality, with a large clean area showing lots of dispersion. A very aesthetic beautiful specimen from the Tsumeb Mine. … More info

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