Manganocalcite over Kutnohorite, N'Chwaning Mine lll , South Africa

Product Code: ck12

Stock Level: 1

Price: $349.99
Manganocalcite over Kutnohorite
N'Chwaning Mine lll
Kuruman, Kalahari Manganese Field
Northern Cape, South Africa
4.7 cm x 3.3 cm x 2.2 cm
Out of an old collection, comes this amazing miniature size specimen if this Manganese bearing calcite over the uncommon mineral Kutnohorite.
The soft pink color of these two minerals, makes for an attractive specimen.
Kutnohorite is a rare calcium manganese carbonate,
which forms many intergrown and overlapping elongated crystal sprays.
The elongated crystals gave a base for the calcite to form over,
giving it this type of flower shape.
Both minerals being Manganese - bearing, makes this a very fluorescent specimen.