Sphalerite, Quartz & Calcite, Empire State Zinc Mine #4, 3800' level, Balmat, New York

Product Code: sqc10
Price: $249.99

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Sphalerite, Quartz & Calcite
Empire State Zinc Mine #4, 3800' level
Balmat, New York
6.0 cm x 5.3 cm x 4.0 cm
Here is a beautiful multi mineral specimen from this amazing newer discovery.
This small cabinet size specimen has a matrix filled and covered in iridescent pyrite and zinc crystals.
The top surface is covered in very clean quartz crystals, some of which are double terminated.
Within the quartz are a few beautiful, gemmy golden yellow sphalerite crystals.
Last but not least are some amazing crystals of calcite.
All the crystals on the specimen have very high luster faces, which give this specimen a lot of sparkle.