Sphalerite, Calcite & Anhydrite, Empire State Zinc Mine #4, 4075' level, Balmat, New York

Product Code: sca12
Price: $549.99

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Sphalerite, Calcite & Anhydrite
Empire State Zinc Mine #4, 4075' level
Balmat, New York
4.7 cm x 2.7 cm x 2.1 cm
Here is a beautiful miniature size specimen of sphalerite with calcite and Anhydryite, from this amazing local.
This specimens comes from the deeper 4075' level.
This specimen has amazing, very gemmy crystals of yellow sphalerite,
on top of and within a matrix filled with zinc and pyrite crystals, then covered in crystals of calcite.
Within the sphalerite crystals, are small but well formed tabular crystals of Anhydrite.
The anhydrite I did not see at first until I used a uv light to fluoresce the calcite.
Then I noticed the small tabular crystals that did not fluoresce.
There are some anhydrite crystals around the edges that are not as well formed as the ones that formed within the clusters of sphalerite crystals.
This specimen is in excellent condition, a very beautiful and showy example from this locale.